Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thrifting Scores

On Monday, my sister & I went out "junkin'".  We hit a variety of thrift shops. I was going to actually write about it, but *yawn*. 

I also bought these hideously awesome pants for $3.  At a 50/50 poly/rayon blend, they are very shiny & I imagine very flammable.  I call them my ART PANTS.  Unfortunately, I discovered they are very high waisted.  Like, up around my ribcage.  Oh well.  $3.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lazy Sunday

I've been mucking around with various small projects this weekend, just test driving techniques.  Nothing has really gotten accomplished except for the magnets that I sell in a local retail shop.  I did some unglamorous paper cutting, getting more things ready to go up on Dry Storage.

But as I was applying another layer of Podge to the aforementioned magnets, I hear from the living room "Is that MY HUMPS I hear?"

Yes, it WAS, in fact, the Black Eyed Peas' "My Humps".  I make no apologies.  I created a playlist in Spotify called "Craft Your Ass Off", which includes some tunes not normally in my everyday listening repertoire.  Because nothing gets me in the mood to create some shit than some Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock.  Nothing is more satisfying while cutting paper than chanting along "OH. MY. GOD. BECKY. LOOK. AT. HER. BUTT...."  You've got to have good tunes while performing the menial bits.

I've got to get back to my latest gnarly (in the true sense of the word, not the slang, unfortunately) experiment before one of the cats brushes up against it.  Because that's what I need, a liquid soap dispenser embedded with cat hair.

Fellow crafty people, you have a favorite playlist or genre that gets you in the mood? Tell me.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Dry Storage

When I was at Borders, we had this amazing metal display cabinet.  Somehow, I "won" it when it was time to get it gone.  It's a gigantic sucker.  It's housed a stereo, clothing and in it's most recent usage, "dry goods" (read: lots and lots of pasta).  And while it is amazing on it's own, I thought maybe I'd take a stab at decopuaging the shit out of it.


Putting paper on it was fun, if not obscene to my sensibilities and eyeballs:

And I've slowly (due to weather - HUMIDITY BAD!) been working on the front:

This is a RIDICULOUS work in progress.  There are parts that I might rip out & start afresh before moving onto the sides.  And as far as I'm concerned, the front isn't finished yet.

I'm still waiting for Chris to discover the secret Nickelback photo.  He hasn't said anything yet, but he will.  Oh, he will....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Are You a Crafty Whore?

(post stolen verbatim from my other blog)


So this is what you need to do.
1) Make or pick from your creations, the Whoriest item.  What makes a "whorey" item? I dunno.  Take a look at some of the entries.  Where are the entries? HERE.  (note: if you're for the faint of heart, or if handmade vulvas offend you, I suggest NOT clicking over)
2) Link your item from your blog/tumblr/space on the internet.
3) Cross your fingers & hope you win, Craft Whore.  Cause there are PRIZES.  But again, if vulvas offend, don't click.  This contest is appears to be VERY vulva-centric.  Which is awesome.  Love your vulvas, people.
Support out-of-the-norm art.  For real.


Rather than flood my FB/Twitter/Other Social Outlet with my gripes, tribulations & wins in decopuaging, I thought I'd start a quasi-crafting blog.  So hang out, subscribe, comment if the spirit moves you.

I'm not artistic by nature in any way, shape or form.  I just make this shit up as I go along.

To celebrate this inception of this blog, I'm showing you Dave.  One of the first magnets I made that, well, I just fell in love with after awhile. He eventually DID sell.